Educational relations and language: reflections from the micro-genetic analysis


  • Evani Andreatta Amaral Camargo Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda (CUML), Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Ana Paula de Freitas Universidade São Francisco (USF), Bragança Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil


Historical and cultural theory, microgenetic analysis, linguistic and cognitive development


From the analysis of an episode of an 8-year-old male subject with singularities in his linguistic and cognitive development process, and having the school context as well as its interactions as the space for observation, we intend to understand the signifi cation processes developed between him and his teacher in their interpersonal relations. Despite the restricted linguistic production, a microgenetic analysis allowed us to identify complex signification processes, revealing marks of subjectivity as well as the joint construction of communication projects performed by him and his interlocutors. His language diffi culties notwithstanding, the discursive intention can be effected by the joint construction of meaning in the dialogue process.  


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How to Cite

Andreatta Amaral Camargo, E., & Freitas, A. P. de. (2016). Educational relations and language: reflections from the micro-genetic analysis. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(2), 812–821. Retrieved from


