Discursive effects of the manner of presentation of proper names in referenciation


  • Lívia Maria Turra Bassetto Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis (FEMA), Assis, São Paulo




referenciation, proper name, discursive effects


This article has the objective of demonstrating the importance of the use of proper names in the process of referential construction in the text, in special how the manner of presentation of these names (full name, only first name, only last name, nickname, etc.) can promote different and relevant discursive effects to the referential (re)categorization and to the construction of meaning on the text. For this purpose, this work assumes the perspective of the Referenciation theory of Textual Linguistics of socio-cognitive-interactionist base line, but with a different view about the proper name, based on Bassetto (2015), considering that it can assume, besides the designative function, also the attributive function, and, consequently, it can promote important discursive effects to the text.


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How to Cite

Bassetto, L. M. T. (2017). Discursive effects of the manner of presentation of proper names in referenciation. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 46(3), 1016–1026. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v46i3.1584



Linguística Textual