Analysis of affective prosody in schizophrenia from the Exprosodia application




ExProsodia, intonation, pitch, schizophrenia, verbal communication


The aim of this study was to perform an intonation analysis of patients with schizophrenia to analyze data that characterize prosody as a possible diagnostic indicative of acoustic parameters derived from linguistic variables. To perform this research, 16 people diagnosed with schizophrenia according to the DSM V criteria (SECMs) and 16 individuals with no previous medical history of mental disorder (SCs) agree to perform a recorded dialogue. This procedure was divided into four stages: anamnesis interview; empirical report; description of one image; and, finally, the reading of an excerpt from a children’s story. The analysis of the collected data was performed by routine ExProsodia (FERREIRA-NETTO, 2016). The results presented indicate the possibility of differentiating patients affected by schizophrenia from subjects with no previous history of psychic disorders or mental illness based on the analysis of acoustic parameters of voice.


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How to Cite

Jorge, A. C. A. (2019). Analysis of affective prosody in schizophrenia from the Exprosodia application. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(3), 1400–1420.


