Engagement and discourse processing: dialogues between Systemic Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics
appraisal, engagement, Deictic Space Theory, processing.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the cognitive processing of engagement resources (MARTIN & WHITE, 2005) based upon Deictic Space Theory (CHILTON, 2014), an approach that considers spatial cognition and perspectivization capacity as two of the pillars for the configuration of language and the execution of discursive and linguistic processing. The theory analyzes, in an integrated fashion, the interaction between the domains of attention/reference, time and modality, through a set of tridimensional coordinated axes based upon Euclidian geometry. Thus, it is possible to hypothesize forms of deictically-anchored processing in a diversity of phenomena, among which are focused on this paper: negation; reported speech; epistemic modality and modal adjunction.Downloads
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