Possible statements: an analysis exercise on minorities and discursive ethos
https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v48i3.2180Mots-clés :
discursive ethos, discursive commutity, prejudiceRésumé
Using the French Discourse Analysis (DA) as the theoretical-methodological field, we will analyze the brief corpus of this exercise, composed by statements that present marks of the construction of a targeted ethos, in the positioning of the discursive subject and how this process is related to the crystallization of the phrase lugar de fala (place of speech) (SALGADO; GATTI, 2018). We propose a reflection on the validation of the discourses that circulate within certain discursive communities (MAINGUENEAU, 2008a) understood as minorities and apparently amalgamated. Therefore, we will mobilize fundamental concepts of DA, such as discursive memory and interdiscourse (PECHÊUX, 2016) in the maintenance of the imaginary homogenization of these communities.
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