Illocutionary acts and responsive comprehension: a reflection about the dialogic dimension of speech acts in self-confrontation dialogues
Speech acts, Self-confrontation dialogues, Responsive comprehension.Abstract
This work proposes a dialogue between the pragmatic studies and researches in the field of ergonomics of the activity. The discussion concentrates on self-confrontation dialogues – a theoretical-methodological framework based on bakhtinian dialogism and, according to Clot e Faïta (2000), intended to create propitious conditions to analysis and transformation of professional activity. First, we propose a reading of self-confrontation dialogues through the “lens” of the speech act theory. Then we briefly approach the interpretation by ergonomics researchers themselves. In our analysis, we notice convergent points between the illocutionary dimension of speech acts and the bakhtinian notion of responsive comprehension.Downloads
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How to Cite
Gonçalves Farias, A. L., Magalhães, E. M., & Costa Gonçalves, J. B. (2018). Illocutionary acts and responsive comprehension: a reflection about the dialogic dimension of speech acts in self-confrontation dialogues. Revista Do GEL, 15(1), 149–177.
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