Guinean-Bissau Portuguese and European Portuguese: a preliminary study on the perception of their intonational differences
Entoação, Percepção, variedades de português, Português falado na Guiné-Bissau, Português EuropeuAbstract
Guinea-Bissau is a multiethnic and multilingual country, in which Portuguese is the official language, although not a native one. Studies about Portuguese spoken in Guinea-Bissau (PGB) developed within the Prosodic Phonology and the Intonational Phonology framework show that PGB tonal density is different from Lisbon European Portuguese (SEP) and closer to overseas varieties, such as Brazilian Portuguese. However, new data from PGB shows a similarity to SEP regarding the intonational contour: we found melodic plateaus in both varieties, with SEP having a long plateau whereas PGB shows a series of small plateaus. In this paper, we present findings from a perception pilot to examine if PGB and SEP are perceived as similar or different. A categorical AX discrimination task with Brazilian and Portuguese participants was used. The stimuli were low-pass filtered to show only the intonation contour of broad focus sentences of SEP and PGB. The results showed that both Portuguese and Brazilian participants perceive the difference between SEP and PGB, especially when they first hear the SEP intonation, indicating that a contour would be better distinguished by alternation between tones than by the pitch accents amount. Thus, contour type seems a more robust cue than tonal density in variety/language differentiation.
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