Olhando o passado para conhecer o presente da macrotoponímia municipal de Alagoas
Looking back to the past to know the present of the municipal macrotopony of Alagoas
Onomastic. Toponymy. Name of Municipality.Abstract
This article aims to present a description of the processes of changes in the municipal macronomenclature of Alagoas, from its origin (the initial name of future municipalities) to the institutionalization of the current macrotoponym (officialization of the name of the emancipated municipality). As for the theoretical assumptions, it is broadly affiliated with the field of Onomastics, in particular with the toponymic taxonomic model of Dick (1990) and, in the field of categorization of toponymic changes, and adopts the typification model of toponymic changes proposed by Melo (2018). Methodologically, it is configured as a bibliographic and documentary study with a quali-quantitative approach. The results revealed that, of the 102 names assigned to municipalities in Alagoas, 34 names were not affected by the dynamics of toponymic change during the institutionalization process of the current and official macrotoponym, while 68 names of municipalities in Alagoas were replaced or suffered some kind of alteration in its forms, with 45 cases of total changes, 19 of partial changes and 04 of apparent changes. In this dynamic of change, 22 spontaneous changes and 46 systematic changes were identified in the analyzed corpus. In conclusion, it is pointed out that the time frame, the elements of the geospatial constitution of the lands of Alagoas, and the sociocultural aspects conditioned the toponymic changes.
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