Emergência e convencionalização da construção V LEVE (DAR, FAZER) + SN
Usage-based Functional Linguistics. Emergence. Conventionalization. Light verbs.Abstract
From a usage-based functional perspective, this work investigates the emergence and conventionalization of the construction with the light verbs dar (give) and fazer (do) employed in a three-argument configuration in a diachronic view. The analysis is based on writing data collected in corpora that record Brazilian Portuguese in use from the 17th to the 21st century. The study is predominantly qualitative, relying on quantitative support to assess trends. The ordering of the arguments of this construction, the attributes of the NP that accompanies the light verbs, the preference for certain nouns in this position and the formation of chunks are analyzed. The results obtained indicate that the position of the NP in the clause reflects the degree of fixation and regularization of the sequence VerbLIGHT + NP, contributing to the constitution of chunks. These chunks perform specific discursive-pragmatic functions in the texts in which they are used.
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