Gente como a gente: uma análise baseada no uso da formação da construção [a gente]
Gente como a gente: a usage-based analysis of the formation of the construction [a gente]
Abstract: This work aims to explain the historical formation of the pronominal construction [a gente] based on the Used-Based Linguistics. The hypothesis is that there is an abstract construction [(X) NCOLET SG (Y)], which licenses subschemes, such as [(X) gente (Y)], [(X) povo (Y)] and [(X) mundo (Y)], which can recruit “a gente” (article + noun), such as “toda gente”, “muita gente”; “o povo”, “todo o povo”; “o mundo” e “todo mundo”. It uses a linguistic change model called Constructionalization/Constructional Changes (Traugott & Trousdale, 2013) and Traugott (2015). Thus, a qualitative-quantitative analysis of the data collected in written letters from the 16th to the 20th century, based on syntactic and semantic-pragmatic factors, such as schematicity and informativeness. It was verified that, among the items that could fill the NCOLET SG slot of the construction [(X) NCOLET SG (Y)], the writers preferred, for syntactic and semantic-pragmatic reasons, to use gente.
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