Esquematicidade e produtividade na reconfiguração da rede de conectores condicionais


  • Taisa Peres de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil
  • Camila Gabriele da Cruz Clemente Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil



Constructional approach. Linguistic change. Schematicity. Productivity.


This paper demonstrates how changes in the productivity of the constructions sanctioned by [X conj]condicional ,   and its relation to schematicity, affect the configuration of the network as a whole. In order to do that, we use the subschema [V que O]condicional  as analysis object to show how its changes caused rearrangements in the most abstract construction and in the whole network. The analyis carried out here helps to understand how the most general schema is a result of the less schematics and the specifics levels it sanctions.  As our support, we followed theoretical bases of the Constructional Approach of Language Change, used by authors such as Traugott e Trousdale (2021), Hilpert (2021), Barðdal (2008) e Perek (2016). Data for this analysis were collected at Corpus do Português (FERREIRA, DAVIES, 2006) and BIT- PROHPOR (2002).


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How to Cite

Oliveira, T. P. de, & Clemente, C. G. da C. . (2023). Esquematicidade e produtividade na reconfiguração da rede de conectores condicionais. Revista Do GEL, 19(3), 58–84.



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