Uma tipologia linguística para pejorativos baseados em nomes de animais no português brasileiro

A linguistic typology for animal-based pejoratives in brazilian portuguese




Injúrias. Ofensas. Semântica.


The aim of this paper is to investigate the semantics and pragmatics of animal names used as pejorative terms in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese (BP). In our analysis, we propose that these terms belong to distinct semantic-grammatical categories and, therefore, should be classified as offenses, insults, and gender-based insults. This classification is argued based on linguistic inferences and response to tests. Utilizing tools and methods from formal semantics and pragmatics of natural languages, our analytical proposal will be carried out using a non-exhaustive inventory of terms commonly used in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Basso, R. M., & Silva, G. (2024). Uma tipologia linguística para pejorativos baseados em nomes de animais no português brasileiro: A linguistic typology for animal-based pejoratives in brazilian portuguese. Revista Do GEL, 21(1), 36–53.