Debate about the notion of planes of language in contemporary discursive semiotics


  • Carolina Mazzaron de Castro Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Araraquara, São Paulo, brasil



content, expression, Semiotic Historiography, Discursive Semiotics


This work intends to propound a theoretical discussion about the notion of planes of language in contemporary discursive semiotics. As the methodology of analysis, we will use theoretical aspects of Linguistic historiography, performed by researchers like E. F. K. Koerner, P. Swiggers and C. Altman, to provide a more precise parallel of the material that we intend to present. The corpus will count on studies by Lindekens, Floch and Thürlemann, who started analysis in the scope of the visual or plastic semiotics. We assume that the analysis presented in contemporaneity by Jacques Fontanille, Maria Giulia Dondero and Everardo Reyes-Garcia connect the debates held by Lindekens, Floch and Thürlemann, and articulates the concepts of substances and forms of content and expression in contemporary discussions, in order to motivate the debate about the notion of planes of language, mainly when unlinking the plane of expression from the theoretical methodological model consecrated in theory until now.


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How to Cite

Castro, C. M. de. (2019). Debate about the notion of planes of language in contemporary discursive semiotics. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(1), 58–75.


