Multimodalidade em cenas de atenção conjunta com criança cega: estudo de caso único

Multimodality in scenes of joint attention with blind child: single case study


  • Renata Fonseca Lima da Fonte Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP), Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil



This study proposes to discuss the multimodal functioning of language in the interaction between mother and blind child. From studies on joint attention and the multimodal linguistic perspective, we analyzed filmed data of interaction between mother and blind child in their home environment. For transcription, the software Eudico Linguistic Annotator (ELAN) has been a used tool for this purpose, because it allows the records of semiotic modes at the exact time of their occurrence. The results of this study reveal initiatives of joint attention and clues of mutual engagement in diverse everyday interactive scenes, in which looks/touches, tactile gestures, body movements and vocal productions with prosodic markings constituted significant semioses in the multimodal matrix of language in interactions of joint attention between mother and blind child.
Keywords: multimodality; joint attention; blindness.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Lima da Fonte, R. (2022). Multimodalidade em cenas de atenção conjunta com criança cega: estudo de caso único: Multimodality in scenes of joint attention with blind child: single case study. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 51(1), 162–176.


