Aphorization versus textualizing enunciation: notes on structural and extra-structural tensions


  • Roberto Leiser Baronas Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil


Discourse, speech genre, aphorizing enunciation and textualizing enunciation


In this work, frstly we aim to try to deepen the discussion on the issue of aphorization proposed by Maingueneau (2010; 2011 and 2012), in order to describe the tension between the “phrases without text” and the texts that support them. Also, this study aims to understand in details another kind of tension (the ideological) between aphorization enunciation and other texts in order to question its ambition to be an absolute word. Therefore, we use as corpus “monuments phrases”, in the documents of the action of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), which aims to remove from the actual reais bills the phrase “God be praised”, and the text of the project of law (PL n. 2179/2003) from representative Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ), which seeks to include the word “Love” in the phrase of the Brazilian fag, replacing the utterance “Order and Progress” with the phrase “Love, Order and Progress”.


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How to Cite

Leiser Baronas, R. (2015). Aphorization versus textualizing enunciation: notes on structural and extra-structural tensions. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(3), 1323–1331. Retrieved from https://revistas.gel.org.br/estudos-linguisticos/article/view/526



Análise do Discurso