Fanfiction Workshops at School: Investigating Revision and Rewriting Practices


  • Larissa Giacometti Paris Universidade Estadual de Campinas



fanfictions, school, revision, rewriting.


The purpose of this article is to present part of the theoretical and methodological premises of a master research. This article also seeks to analyze the research data regarding revision and rewriting practices of high school students who participated in a fanfiction production workshop held in the school context. In this workshop, the students wrote their narratives, which were revised by a classmate and subsequently rewritten by their authors. The corpus consists of texts produced by these individuals. It was found that, initially, students revised and rewrote considering only one text cleaning; but with this practice, the concepts of revision and rewriting were expanded and reevaluated.


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Author Biography

Larissa Giacometti Paris, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Mestra em Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Licenciada em Letras - Língua Portuguesa pela mesma universidade.


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How to Cite

Giacometti Paris, L. (2016). Fanfiction Workshops at School: Investigating Revision and Rewriting Practices. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(2), 441–451.



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