Intonation and language teaching


  • Maíra Sueco Maegava Córdula Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro



intonation, language teaching, first language, orality, secondary school.


This paper aims to discuss the role of intonation in teaching of Portuguese as a first language, considering the role of this prosodic aspect in meaning production in oral texts. First of all, the term intonation is discussed together with two different analytical approaches to study this prosodic element: Systemic Functional Theory (SFS) and Intonational Phonology. Besides that, the relationship between intonation and the teaching of Portuguese is discussed, as regards the guidelines proposed in official documents, and specialized literature. In face of the linguistic functions of intonation, there is a demand for more studies that consider the relationship between description and speech melodic variations and its teaching, as well as foundations for the design of systematic and pedagogical treatment of intonation.


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Author Biography

Maíra Sueco Maegava Córdula, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Professora de Língua Inglesa e Práticas de Ensino, do Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras da UFTM. Docente colaboradora no Profletras - UFTM. Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa. Pesquisa na área de Fonética, Fonologia e Ensino de língua.


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How to Cite

Córdula, M. S. M. (2016). Intonation and language teaching. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(2), 452–462.



Ensino de Língua Materna