A escrita e a leitura infantil: efeitos do outro/Outro na travessia da criança pela aquisição da linguagem escrita





Aquisição da Linguagem. Escrita. Leitura. Criança. Outro.


In this paper, we intend to discuss children’s writing and reading, focusing on the effect of the other (alterity) and the Other (radical alterity) in the child’s go through the acquisition of written language. In this sense, this study is affiliated to interactionism in language acquisition, as proposed by the Brazilian researcher Cláudia de Lemos, who, based on European structuralist linguistics and Lacanian psychoanalysis, sees language acquisition as a consequence of the change in the child's position in relation to the other, to language, and to the child itself. On this focus, our corpus is composed of texts written and read, in a school environment, by three children between three and five years old, enrolled in the first, second and third year of kindergarten. The data pointed out that the effect of the other is the mirror effect in which the child, referred to the discourse-text of this other, tries to constitute his/her writing and reading, while the effect of the Other is only possible from the immersion of the child in the materiality of the texts.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, M. W. P. L. (2023). A escrita e a leitura infantil: efeitos do outro/Outro na travessia da criança pela aquisição da linguagem escrita. Revista Do GEL, 19(2), 218–239. https://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v19i2.3397