Descrição diacrônica da expressão pronominal do argumento-sujeito no português brasileiro




Grammatical Subject, Null Subject, Competing Motivations, Iconicity, Variation and Change


This paper presents diachronic data on the optionality between expression and non-expression of subject through pronoun in Brazilian Portuguese. The theoretical framework is based on an articulation between Functional Discourse Grammar and functionalist studies that deal with communicative motivations of language structure, such as iconicity and economy. The corpus constructed for the investigation is composed by Brazilian theatre plays, and the analyzed historical period covers the period between the first half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 21st century. As main results, (i) the paper offers statistic data that, in line with other researches, show, as well as document in detail, the diachronic increase in the option of pronominal expression, over the option of non-expression, and (ii) it provides illustrative examples of both options, which are distributed along the whole period under analysis.


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How to Cite

Guerra, A. R. (2023). Descrição diacrônica da expressão pronominal do argumento-sujeito no português brasileiro. Revista Do GEL, 19(3), 203–230.



Edição Temática