Peculiarities of the exercising the author function in social networks: a discursive analysis of shared messages on Facebook


  • Pâmela da Silva Rosin Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Luzmara Curcino Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil


Authorship, Detached Utterances, Social Networks, Discourse Analysis, Cultural History of Reading


The popularity of social networks has allowed for, among other practices, the increase in the circulation and sharing of quotes, in the form of messages (about friendship, love, etc.), attributed to several celebrities, among whom renowned literary authors. The actual authorship of any given quote then became the cause of discussions in social networks. In this article, we conduct a discursive analysis of those phrases in order to describe their behavior based on the analysis of writing strategies applied in their production and the comments by readers about authorship in those messages. To that end, we will utilize theoretical and methodological assumptions from Discourse Analysis, especially from Michel Foucault’s thoughts on the author function and principles of Cultural History concerning authorship, based on texts by Roger Chartier.


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How to Cite

da Silva Rosin, P., & Curcino, L. (2016). Peculiarities of the exercising the author function in social networks: a discursive analysis of shared messages on Facebook. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(3), 1155–1167. Retrieved from



Análise do Discurso