French semiotics; event; passion; form of life; dialogue


  • Flavia Karla Ribeiro Santos Universidade de Franca (Unifran), Franca, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Vera Lucia Rodella Abriata Universidade de Franca (Unifran), Franca, São Paulo, Brasil


French semiotics, event, passion, form of life, dialogue


Through the theoretical framework of French semiotics, this paper analyzes the short story “O zelador” by Menalton Braff. The text reveals the trajectory of a lonely man who works as a janitor in badly preserved and inhospitable villages and who longs for a promotion which would make him ascend to another social class, the middle class. Suspecting his dog Ego had entered his house and stolen some meat from the fridge, he kills his friend and companion, an action that would result in him not getting the promotion he had longed for. Our aim is to analyze the way cholera and revenge are manifested in the text, both of which are results of an event that bursts upon the narrative, caused by the submission resulting from the janitor’s form of life. On the other hand, considering the dog’s name, Ego, we observe how the enunciator dialogues with the Freudian discourse.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Santos, F. K., & Rodella Abriata, V. L. (2016). French semiotics; event; passion; form of life; dialogue. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(3), 1395–1408. Retrieved from


