Functions of and in a paper in the area of social service: adverbial relations and argumentative direction


  • Aparecida Feola Sella
  • Clarice Cristina Corbari


Conjunction and, Adverbial Meaning, Interpersonal Function.


This article discusses the functions of and in the article “Seven mistakes and potential solutions in epidemiology, including a call for a World Council of Epidemiology and Causality”
(BHOPAL, 2009) in order to demonstrate how the apparent neutrality of this connector seems to be responsible for accommodating adverbial relations, which favor an oscillation of uses or functions of this element in the utterances. In addition, this study intends to demonstrate that possible interpretations of the relations established by and enable us to situate the functions of this connector within the interpersonal space, linked to the producer’s attitudes, judgments and
motivations, as postulated by Halliday (1970) and Halliday and Hasan (1987). The interpersonal space is also linked to the listener’s or reader’s way of processing the text in an attempt to meet the producer’s expectations or intentions.


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How to Cite

Sella, A. F., & Corbari, C. C. (2016). Functions of and in a paper in the area of social service: adverbial relations and argumentative direction. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 40(1), 71–81. Retrieved from



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