Dramatic ballet and literature in dialogue: an analysis of the children and youth work "O lago dos cisnes", adapted by Lee Ji Yoeng and illustrated by Gabriel Pacheco
ballet, Aesthetics of Reception, classical cultureAbstract
This study intends to present an analysis of the work of O lago dos cisnes, adapted by Lee Ji Yoeng (2012) and illustrated by Gabriel Pacheco, from the homonymous classical ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), with libretto by Vladimir Begitchev and Vasily Geltzer. This work composes the Música Clássica em cena collection [Classical Music onstage], by the FTD publishing house, which aims to present to young people and children stories of important leaflets regarded as classics in the music field. More specifically, we intend to verify this text from the principles of Bakhtin (2005) as the effective dialogy between the dramatic ballet of Tchaikovsky and the work adapted by Lee Ji Yoeng. For achieving the goals, we intend to present a reflection based on the Reception Aesthetics about what provides the pleasure in reading and which elements determine the role of the implied reader. In this text, we elaborated hypothesis that the strategy of Lee Ji Yoeng of rescuing a classical ballet and adapt it in the form of illustrated narrative for beginner readers, as far as provides the readers with contact with an attractive and lavishly illustrated text that will enhance their imagination, as it expands their knowledge through the rescue of cultural memory. The appropriation of a classic cultural production, but adapted to the narrative language and directed to developing reader can act as a valuation factor of the identity of this reader. Through it, he is able to elevate his self-esteem, because he realizes that he is considered as a receiver of a production, while he is recognized as the heir of a traditional cultural patrimony.
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