The (de)legitimation of Funk Gospel in evangelical blogs




categorization, social legitimation, reference, gospel funk


This work has as main objective to analyze argumentative texts about gospel funk published by different pastors in two blogs – one pastor representative of the Igreja Cristã da Aliança and another one of the Assembleia de Deus – and the comments from their followers, mainly considering how the process of (de)legitimation of a music genre happens by means of textual practices, that is, the way these pastors construct their texts in order to reach the Macrocategorization of illegitimate for the genre using the process of reference. It also discusses the reach of the imposition of social values to musical practices.


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How to Cite

Ramos, G. R. R. (2018). The (de)legitimation of Funk Gospel in evangelical blogs. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(1), 226–242.



Sociolinguística e Dialetologia