The ladies-owners of the alley: expressiveness and feminine stereotype in Cora Coralina




stylistics, lexical choices, feminine stereotype, Cora Coralina


The poet and writer Cora Coralina is known for her works rich in details of everyday life in the Brazilian interior. Making a cut among the large number of women portrayed in her literary series, with the criterion of observing the marginal woman in the society of the time, in this article, we seek to analyze the construction of women's images from the expressiveness contained in the lexical choices made by the enunciator and its interrelation in the constitution of the feminine stereotypes in the tale “Minga, Zóio de Prata”. In this analysis, we based on stylistic elements, according to authors such as Martins (2012) and Câmara Júnior (1978), in dialogue with the Discourse Analysis of the French line about the stereotype, based on authors such as Amossy and Herschberg Pierrot (2010) and Stangor (2000).


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How to Cite

Sales, M. R. (2018). The ladies-owners of the alley: expressiveness and feminine stereotype in Cora Coralina. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(3), 851–865.



Retórica e Estilística