The semantic identity of the preposition EM




prepositional semantics, preposition EM, spatial representations, semantic identity


In the present paper, we propose to discuss some aspects related to the semantic identity of the preposition ‘EM’, in order to describe the phenomenon that is at its foundation beyond its cotextual variation. The paper is organized in three parts. First, we present certain grammatical studies that describe the semantics of the preposition “EM” in the construction of spatial representations. Secondly, we show the principles that guide our investigation, that is, the theoretical-methodological reference of the Theory of Enunciative Operations. Finally, in the third part, we show that the (im)possiblity of certain spatial representations when using “EM” is due to an intrinsic characteristic of this preposition, which reveals an abstract meaning taken from the analyzes of the linguistic data.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Gonçalves Lima Rocha, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - doutoranda

Formação em Letras/Português

Mestre em Linguística

Doutoranda em Educação e Saúde


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How to Cite

Rocha, E. G. L. (2019). The semantic identity of the preposition EM. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(3), 1554–1567.


