The decentralization of the lyrical subject in Micheliny Verunschk
contemporary poetry, Micheliny Verunschk, subjectivityAbstract
The present article proposes to analyze the poem “Infibulation”, present in Geografia intima do deserto (2003), from the pernambucana writer Micheliny Verunschk. From the analysis of the poem, we discussed how intimacy is configured in the poetry of Micheliny, which manifests itself in a contrary way to the present configuration in the tradition, when returns to the outside, projecting the lyrical subject out of itself (COLLOT, 2013). In this way, the discussion of the not centralized lyrical subject that crosses other spaces, other objects is established and proposes a new form of aestheticization that problematizes the notions of subjectivity and lyricism, through a new look in the light of new theories. A poetry that opts for the exploration of language, the world and things and not the subject itselfDownloads
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