Discursos da sensibilidade humana aos animais no Código Municipal de Proteção Animal de São Carlos
Discourses on human sensitivity to animals in the Municipal Animal Protection Code of São Carlos
This article aims to analyze discourses of human sensitivity to animals materialized in the Municipal Animal Protection Code of São Carlos, with the aim of identifying, describing and interpreting specificities of the legislative and differences of constancy and intensity in statements and denials that animals are endowed with qualities like sensations, emotions, consciousness and language. We tried to verify the hypothesis that sensations and emotions such as pain and distress are more constantly and intensely attributed to animals than cognitive and linguistic abilities. Our theoretical assumptions and analytical procedures come from Discourse Analysis derived from Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault, to which we combine knowledge from the History of animals and the History of sensibilities. The analysis demonstrates the predominance of sensitive and emotional attributions to animals.
Keywords: discourse analysis; history of animals; history of sensibilities; animal protection code.
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