Os conectores e seu papel na construção de imagens identitárias: uma perspectiva pragmática
The role of connectors in the construction of identity images: a pragmatic perspective
This paper presents the results of a study about the role of discourse relations in the negotiation of identity images (faces and territories). To achieve this goal, we present a pragmatic approach to the study of discourse relations. In this approach, the discourse relations allow the speaker to cancel harmful implications for himself, for one of the interlocutors or for all participants. The study focuses specifically on the causality relationship signaled by the Portuguese connector porque. This discourse relation allows the speaker to perform more specific actions, linked to one of the domains (content, epistemic or speech acts) to which it belongs, revealing obedience to a certain rule of conduct. In the empirical section, we analyzed the occurrences of this connector in the last electoral debate of the campaign for the Presidency of the Republic in 2014.
Keywords: discourse relations; connector porque; interaction.
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