From limbo to Olympus, from Olympus to limbo: form of life of the actor contemporary executive woman in VOCÊ S/A magazine
form of life, semiotics, executive woman, VOCÊ S/A magazineAbstract
This article consists of the study of the actor contemporary executive woman represented in the texts of the magazine VOCÊ S/A for more than a decade. Based on the concept of form of life, which is introduced, in Semiotics, by Algirdas Julien Greimas, and in the regimes of social interaction, developed by Eric Landowski, we aim at inferring the form of life of the contemporary executive woman who is described as “VOCÊ S/A model” and the other forms of life which, by means of the explicit and/or implicit textual marks, reveal other models, even the ones that are not countersigned by the enunciator of the magazine.
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