The Bakhtinian dialogism in the electoral marketing: the party in jingle


  • Aline Camila Lenharo



discourse analysis, dialogism, intertextuality, electoral marketing.


This paper proposes a reflection on one of jingles of Aécio Neves’ electoral campaign of 2014, analyzing the influence that the adoption of Ivete Sangalo’s music The Party, as a base for the production of the jingle in question, may have had on the results of the election as Brazilian President. It begins with Bakhtin’s statement that assures that the understanding of a discourse involves the reading of not reiterate semantic aspects of the sign itself, but it results from the context of its production and reception, from the dialogism between the said and the already said and from the socio-cultural interaction that involves taking axiological positions. It is considered that this misunderstanding on the intertextuality adopted in the candidate’s marketing may have negatively influenced the results, contributing to his non-election. With this study, it is hoped to reflect on the importance of choosing statements used in the electoral marketing.


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How to Cite

Lenharo, A. C. (2016). The Bakhtinian dialogism in the electoral marketing: the party in jingle. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(3), 692–704.



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