Reading habits under a new dynamic: report of a study with technology-oriented college freshmen


  • Adriane Belluci Belório de Castro Faculdade de Tecnologia de Botucatu (Fatec-Botucatu), Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil


higher education, reading, information and communication technologies


In this paper, the subject of reading, as discussed in the light of assumptions indiated by Chartier (2002) and Levy (1999), is associated with data from a survey of freshmen students in higher technological education, enrolled in an introductory discipline of Portuguese Language from different courses offered by a technology-oriented college of São Paulo state. As for the methodology, we observed students, applied two questionnaires and made interviews with these students not only in order to establish a socio-economic-cultural profi le, but also to investigate their reading habits. After analyzing the data, we presented didactic activities and strategies so that the students could better develop their reading performance, especially as far as the academic genres are concerned.


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How to Cite

Belluci Belório de Castro, A. (2016). Reading habits under a new dynamic: report of a study with technology-oriented college freshmen. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(2), 595–609. Retrieved from



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