As características entoacionais presentes na leitura de professores e alunos do Ensino Básico
The intonation characteristics present in the reading of elementary school teachers and students
fonologia, fonética experimental, entoação, leitura, compreensão de textoAbstract
This research studied how 40 teachers from different disciplines and 110 students (10 to 18 years old, from the 3rd grade of basic education to the 3rd grade of high school) read a work. For this, a Portuguese-speaking professional was established as a control to verify how the intonations occur during the reading of a mini-story and how this process is linked to the understanding of the texts. Using the ExProsódia® application (FERREIRA NETTO, 2010), the data obtained through automated data analysis observed that students and teachers produce a neutral intonation reading - as predicted by Cagliari (2002). In other words, about 60% made only one intonation phrase, and the F0 curve had an oblique movement, downward direction, plagal ending, and irregular production of noticeable pauses. Some of these data contradict the control because he pronounced two intonational phrases with an authentic ending, and this made the text have the expected poetic interpretation. In addition, the study observed that intonation in reading begins to be noticeable from the 3rd year of elementary school, when the child is more fluent when reading a text. However, even if the data bring regularity in relation to the general results, the readings do not reveal a normalization in the act of reading in the case of students and teachers.
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