Letramento em avaliação para professores de inglês e a perspectiva glocal: um microestudo

Assessment literacy for English language teachers and glocal perspective: a microstudy





Language Assessment Literacy (LAL), Glocalization, English Language Teacher Education


Considering the literature on Language Assessment Literacy (SCARAMUCCI, 2016; QUEVEDO-CAMARGO; SCARAMUCCI, 2018) and on the role of language assessment in the teaching/learning process (SCARAMUCCI, 2006), this article discusses the place and role of such literacy and the benefits that it may provide to teachers and their working contexts. The concept of glocalization (ROBERTSON, 1995; TRIPPESTAD, 2016) in the context of teaching English and its importance in the process of English language teacher education is also approached. A qualitative-interpretivist (MOITA LOPES, 1994) microstudy was carried out, and its data were collected through an online questionnaire applied to five in-service teachers in a public language school in the Federal District and through a documental analysis of the subjects that were part of their Letters curricula. The results indicate that there is a lack of language assessment literacy in these language teachers’ education, which is essential to enable teachers to conceive their classes as glocal places.


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How to Cite

Quevedo-Camargo, G., & Sousa, A. A. C. de P. . (2022). Letramento em avaliação para professores de inglês e a perspectiva glocal: um microestudo: Assessment literacy for English language teachers and glocal perspective: a microstudy. Revista Do GEL, 19(1), 223–245. https://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v19i1.3371