taboos of decency in the horn and horned variation, euphemized and dysphemized, in Ceará's speech, based on ALiB data




Horn, Horned, Taboo, Linguistic Variation, Euphemize, Desphemize


supported by the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (WEINREINCH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006; LABOV, 2008), we investigated the use of the linguistic taboo horn in the State of Ceará, based on ALiB data. We aimed to identify the most productive variant and analyze the role of extralinguistic and linguistic factors on the realization of the horn variant in the analyzed sample, as well as to investigate whether these factors condition euphemized speech in the studied community. We tested the linguistic factors linguistic resource and number of spoken variants, and the extralinguistic factors gender, age group and location. GoldVarb X selected the variable number of spoken variants as relevant for the horn variant and for the use of euphemistics, and the variable gender as relevant only for the use of euphemistics. We concluded that the horn variant, 61.30%, is more frequent than horned, 38.70%, and that the communities surveyed do not use linguistic resources to euphemize speech (33.30%), preferring to dephemize (66.70 %).


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Author Biographies

Rakel Beserra de Macêdo Viana, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UEC), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

PhD and Master in Applied Linguistics from the State University of Ceará – UECE (2023/2018). Graduated in Portuguese/English Languages from the same institution, at the Faculty of Philosophy Dom Aureliano Matos - UECE/FAFIDAM (2007). Specialist in Educational Management (2009), in English Language Teaching (2012) and in Forensic Linguistics (2022). Professor Master J of the Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará (SEDUC-CE). Judicial graphotechnical expert. She has experience in Basic Education with the development of Reading and Writing Projects and in Higher Education in Distance Education. Member of the Ceará Sociolinguistics Research Laboratory – LAPESCE, and of the Sociolinguistic Studies and Research Group of Fortaleza-CE (SOCIOFOR).

Aluiza Alves de Araújo, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UEC), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

PhD and Master in Linguistics from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Graduated in Letters from the State University of Ceará (UECE). Adjunct professor K of the graduation in Letters and of the Post-Graduation Program in Applied Linguistics (PosLA) of the Humanities Center (CH) of the State University of Ceará (UECE). She works in the area of Letters with an emphasis on Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics and Dialectology. She coordinates the Project Lexical and morphosyntactic variation in speaking in Fortaleza-CE, the Ceará Sociolinguistics Research Laboratory – LAPESCE, and the Sociolinguistic Studies and Research Group of Fortaleza-CE (SOCIOFOR), linked to the Directory of Research Groups of CNPq .


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How to Cite

Alves de Lavor, C. M., Viana, R. B. de M., & Araújo, A. A. de. (2023). taboos of decency in the horn and horned variation, euphemized and dysphemized, in Ceará’s speech, based on ALiB data. Revista Do GEL, 20(1), 9–32.