Fake News and linguistic knowledge

a contribution to a reflection on a didactic perspective





Fake News, Grammar and writing, Word classes, Teacher training


The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly changed the way societies function. As one of the many transformations, there was an increase in the production and dissemination of Fake News (FN), especially related to the emergence and spread of the disease. In this context, the Other, in turn, became the protagonist of the role of agent responsible for the negative effects associated with this pandemic scenario - a panorama in which language played an important role, since the processes of otherization and stereotyping are revealed through the execution of its mechanisms. Thus, considering the impact of this scenario on education, this work aims to contribute to a reflection on an articulated teaching between grammar and writing, based on the analysis of two FN - collected in April 2020 - that relate the consequences of Covid-19 with minority groups, and which are part of the European project CoMMiTTEd (2021). Essentially, it was intended to verify the use of some word classes in the construction of the discourses present in the FN. The results analyzed reveal that the use of nouns, verbs and adjectives shows the search for credibility of the FN and impact on the reader, facilitating the process of assimilation by the reader, which seems to justify the need for a didactic articulating grammar and writing.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, M. M. T. de V. L. D. F. e ., Freire da Silva Oliveira, L. S., & Gomes São Marcos Simões, A. R. (2024). Fake News and linguistic knowledge: a contribution to a reflection on a didactic perspective. Revista Do GEL, 20(3), 333–359. https://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v20i3.3548



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