Estilo Magazine – the discursive “transmediation” of the idea of style, from the bank branch to the on-line platform


  • Érika de Moraes Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp), Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil


discourse, ethos, contemporaneity


This paper studies “Style Magazine”, launched digitally in September 2013 by Bank of Brazil, as part of a project whose focus seems to be the construction of an ethos of a unique and sophisticated client. The online circulation itself is a mark of distinction, since, despite the increasing access to the internet, it has not reached the entire Brazilian population yet, especially in qualitative terms. This study fi ts into the theoretical and methodological framework of French Discourse Analysis, which considers the opacity of language in its means to produce meanings, mediated by subjects traversed by historical, social and ideological positions. Therefore, the investigation of the ethos of Estilo magazine is believed to be likely to shed light on this diffuse idea of style that works as a discursive construction compatible with a given contemporary complex of ideas.


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How to Cite

de Moraes, Érika. (2016). Estilo Magazine – the discursive “transmediation” of the idea of style, from the bank branch to the on-line platform. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(3), 1042–1052. Retrieved from



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