Priscian’s book XVII of the Institutiones grammaticae: permanence or discontinuity in Thomas of Erfurt and Jeronymo Soares Barbosa




Historiography of Linguistics, Priscian, Thomas of Erfurt, Jeronymo Soares Barbosa


This article presents and discusses some results of a current research that is based on the translation of the Latin original of book XVII of the Institutiones Grammaticae of Priscianus Caesariensis (ca. 500 A.D.). The main objective of this article is to compare the ideas of Prisciano (6th century), of the speculative grammarian Thomas of Erfurt (13th century) and Jeronymo Soares Barbosa (18th century) from the point of view of their respective Latin case theories in order to verify the continuities or discontinuities of the latter two in relation to the former. The theoretical model used in this article is Historiography of Linguistics (HoL): Koerner (1989) and Swiggers (2004).


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Author Biography

Alessandro Jocelito Beccari, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Professor Assistente Doutor de Língua Latina no Departamento de Linguística, Curso de Letras, UNESP, FCL-Assis.


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How to Cite

Beccari, A. J. (2018). Priscian’s book XVII of the Institutiones grammaticae: permanence or discontinuity in Thomas of Erfurt and Jeronymo Soares Barbosa. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(1), 87–101.



Historiografia Linguística