Implications of Parental Relations for Mehináku (Arawak) Consanguineous Terminology




kinship terminology, Mehináku language, Arawakan family.


The relationship between language and culture, and the way in which these two areas of human life are intertwined, has found shelter for centuries in both linguistics and anthropology. Among the themes that emerge from this relationship is kinship, which is a focus because it is associated with both a terminological system (linguistics) as well as a system of attitudes that designates a set of social relations between individuals (anthropology). In this project work, we will present a description of the terminology of inbreeding kinship of the Mehináku people, in order to verify how the family members are appointed among these people and, moreover, how this terminology may vary depending on the relationship established between nominator and nominee. The Mehináku people speak an eponymous language belonging to the Arawakan language family and spoken by approximately 400 people who live in or near the Kurisevo River, in the Xingu Indigenous Territory, MT, Brazil.


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How to Cite

de Felipe, P. H. P. S. (2020). Implications of Parental Relations for Mehináku (Arawak) Consanguineous Terminology. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 49(2), 689–705.


