Portuguese loanwords in Mehináku Arawakan language





empréstimos linguísticos, língua Mehináku, língua portuguesa


The Brazil’s colonization and the consequent mix of ethnically different people resulted in many diverse and asymmetrical changes for the languages in contact. Throughout Brazil’s historical and political path, much has been discussed about the linguistic processes arising from this contact and their implications for the language systems in interaction. Most of these studies analyze the Portuguese system and the way it was influenced by the languages with which it interacted. Conversely, we will reflect on how the Portuguese loanwords are used in Mehináku Arawakan language, in order to give an overview of the most common types of loanwords present in this language.


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Author Biography

Paulo Henrique de Felipe, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil

Empréstimos do português na língua Mehináku (Arawak)


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How to Cite

de Felipe, P. H. (2020). Portuguese loanwords in Mehináku Arawakan language. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 49(1), 417–433. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v49i1.2476


