The formation of the critical reader in Spanish class: the curricular attitude towards textbook loopholes




critical literacy, Spanish teaching, critical reader, curriculum attitude, gaps


The formation of a critical reader is a concern of foreign language textbooks and official documents. Forming a critical reader following the assumptions of critical literacy (CASSANY, 2006, 2010; DUBOC; 2012; MONTE MÓR, 2012, 2015, etc.) meets the objectives of foreign language teaching in the integrated high school of the so-called “Rede Federal” (Federal Network). In this article, we present the results of a case study with Spanish teachers from the Federal Network in order to verify how the teachers' concept of critical literacy and critical reader affect their teaching practices. We also intend to discuss how the activities proposed by the PNLD LEM textbook work as gaps in the training of critical readers, highlighting the importance of the teaching curriculum attitude in this process. To fulfill these goals, an online questionnaire was applied and interviews were conducted, revealing that the implementation of critical literacy depends more on the teacher's curriculum attitude than on what the textbook offers as a work suggestion, proving that the gaps need to be better explored.


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How to Cite

Benedini, L. C. A. de O. (2020). The formation of the critical reader in Spanish class: the curricular attitude towards textbook loopholes. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 49(1), 491–509.


