The interdisciplinary importance of Ecclesiastical Court’s documentation in São Paulo: the Joana Gil case




Ecclesiastical Court, Bruxas Paulistas, crimes against the Church, witchcraft, manuscript edition


This study aims to indicate some peculiarities of one of the manuscript documents included in the documentary background of the Metropolitan Curia of São Paulo, among those that deal with procedures and claims related to the so-called crimes against the Church, which were held before the Ecclesiastical Court. Thus, it is intended to show the status of the studies that have been developed by Bruxas Paulistas project, through an example of that material. From the codicological point of view and the circumstances of the case, there will be a description of the accusation made against Joana Gil, a young woman from Mogi-Mirim, Brazil, who was famed for marvelous or supernatural practices. There will also be an exposition on some linguistic and legal peculiarities that can support future work with focus on interdisciplinary studies, by linking philology, linguistics, and law.


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Author Biography

Nathalia Reis Fernandes, Sem filiação institucional

Doutora e mestre em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, N. R. (2020). The interdisciplinary importance of Ecclesiastical Court’s documentation in São Paulo: the Joana Gil case. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 49(1), 364–378.


