The emergence of the subschema [V_que] in the conditional connectors network




constructionalization, construction change, conditionality.


This paper describes the change processes that led to the emergence of the subschema [V_que] as a conditional connector in Portuguese. Data were collected from Corpus do Português, on, and from BIT-Prohpor, on, dated from 18th to 20th centuries. This paper follows after the Usage-Based approach, essentially Traugott and Trousdale’s (2013) theory of change and Dancygier’s (1998), and Oliveira’s (2019a, 2019b) studies about conditionality. Although the subschema [V_que] presents low productivity, it is observed that every century it increases, as shown by the data collected. As a result, it was observed that the emergence of this subschema in the conditional connectors network of the Portuguese language is due to the constructionalization of the micro-construction “supondo que” (that was a verb “supor” and it has changed for gerund “supondo” + the conjunction “que”) and also due to the constructional changes of the micro-constructions “dado que” and “posto que” (which were just micro-constructions from the causal network before the 19th century).


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Author Biography

Camila Gabriele da Cruz Clemente, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

Mestre pela UFMS em Análise e descrição de línguas naturais. Doutoranda pela UFSCar em Análise e descrição de línguas naturais.


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How to Cite

Clemente, C. G. da C. (2021). The emergence of the subschema [V_que] in the conditional connectors network. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(2), 579–596.


