The verbs “lembrar(-se)” and “esquecer(-se)”: a variationist study


  • Kátia Roseane Cortez dos Santos Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), São Paulo, Brasil



linguistic variation, pronominal verbs, sociolinguistics.


This study aims to investigate the variation in the regency of the verbs “lembrar(se)” and “esquecer(se), considering two variants: the pronominal form and the non-pronominal form. For this purpose, Variationist Sociolinguistics was used as a theoretical-methodological foundation and Corpus D&G and the Iboruna database as a universe of data collection, in addition to the Goldvarb statistical package for quantitative systematization of occurrences. The results indicate a low frequency of use of the pronominal form of verbs in all selected extralinguistic variables (locality, gender, education level, language modality, and type of text), which indicates that the use of the non-pronominal variant is not a target of stigmatization. In addition, it was found that the verbs under analysis do not exhibit the same behavior concerning the non-pronominal variant, with a higher incidence of “esquecer(se)” as a direct transitive verb and “lembrar(se)” as an indirect transitive verb.


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How to Cite

Santos, K. R. C. dos. (2021). The verbs “lembrar(-se)” and “esquecer(-se)”: a variationist study. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(2), 870–892.


