As línguas e rankings no Oscar da internacionalização das produções científicas latino-americanas

Languages and Oscar rankings of the internationalization of Latin American scientific productions




políticas linguísticas, internacionalização, produção, avaliação e circulação do conhecimento, América Latina.


This article has the dual purpose of summarizing the discussion on language and internationalization policies in relation to the production, evaluation and dissemination of knowledge in Latin America initiated at the GEL 2021 Seminar, and to expand/continue the dialogue through the socialization of the reflections made at that event. Issues related to the use of languages and metrics in the production, evaluation and circulation of knowledge in Latin America are addressed from a critical and decolonial perspective, using the Oscar metaphor in relation to the use of English and rankings. The reflection concludes that in order to allow an ecology of places of production and languages in the international “cinema”, the strategies and criteria for the production, evaluation and circulation of science, as well as for the internationalization of Latin American higher education, must be revised.
Keywords: language policies; internationalization; production, evaluation and circulation of knowledge; Latin America.


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How to Cite

Finardi, K. R. (2022). As línguas e rankings no Oscar da internacionalização das produções científicas latino-americanas: Languages and Oscar rankings of the internationalization of Latin American scientific productions. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 51(1), 147–161.


