Analysis of the otherness in Public School System’s Cadernos of English as a foreign language


  • Olena Kovalek Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil


otherness, analysis of the Cadernos, interculturality


In this article, we will approach one of the cultural aspects that have been worked on in our master’s thesis: the development of the otherness process in teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. We focus on reactions before otherness, in the classroom, and on the otherness plans, designed by Todorov (1995), as axiologic plan, praxeologic plan, and epistemic plan. Subsequently, we performed an analysis of the Cadernos used in the public school system of the state of São Paulo. We opt for the analysis of the first volume (teacher’s and student’s Caderno), for the high school. By way of these analyses, we realized the possibility of approaching the otherness in some exercises found in the teaching material. Therefore, we suggested some exercises that could be explored in English classes by working with the otherness.


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How to Cite

Kovalek, O. (2015). Analysis of the otherness in Public School System’s Cadernos of English as a foreign language. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(2), 882–894. Retrieved from



Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino de Línguas