A discursive analysis of the designation ‘fake’ and its forms of variation in the fashion blogs nowadays


  • Leonardo Perez Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Luzmara Curcino Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil


Discourse analysis, fashion, designations, counterfeit goods


 In this paper, based on the theoretical and methodological perspective of discourse analysis, we analyze some variations on the forms of designation of counterfeit goods employed in different blogs that main theme is ‘fashion’. In our analysis of these variations – such as fake, falso, pirata, cópia, réplica, inspired, etc. –, we followed the discursive principle, according to which the same word used in several texts can have the same meaning or a word may instead obtain very different meanings, depending on the discourse operation in the texts, that is, depending on the paraphrastic relationship that the word sets within the group of other statements that form the text.


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How to Cite

Perez, L., & Curcino, L. (2015). A discursive analysis of the designation ‘fake’ and its forms of variation in the fashion blogs nowadays. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(3), 1179–1189. Retrieved from https://revistas.gel.org.br/estudos-linguisticos/article/view/515



Análise do Discurso