Language and interaction: the teaching/learning of Portuguese through textual restructuring during the formation of the subject reader/author



Palabras clave:

teaching, language, interaction, authorship


This article aims to present an analysis of the results of the research project “First authorship: the discursive process in Portuguese teaching and the formation of the reader/writer in the initial years of elementary school, Amambai-MS”, developed in the stricto sensu postgraduate program in Letras, of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The foundation is based on the socio-interactionist precepts of M. Bakhtin articulated to the thoughts of L.S. Vigotski. The text is seen as a discursive material that includes not only the senses of a polyphonic language, but also the formation of the subject reader and creator of his own text. Thus, the apprentice develops his or her text from the storytelling and, posteriorly, re-signifies it in the collective restructuring, so social values are confronted and transformed. The process takes place in the collective interaction, flowing the ideological position, subjectivity and conflicting truths, and opening itself to the creative and significant act of authorship.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Luzzi, M. (2019). Language and interaction: the teaching/learning of Portuguese through textual restructuring during the formation of the subject reader/author. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(2), 957–974.


