O orientador como mediador de letramento privilegiado no processo de escrita da tese de doutorandos

The supervisor as a privileged literacy broker in the doctoral thesis writing process





Doctoral students, Academic writing, Academic literacies, Literacy brokers, Supervisor


This article aims is to analyze how the relationships of four doctoral students of different areas of knowledge at UNICAMP with their respective supervisors are developed during the thesis writing process. To this end, this work is based on the theoretical-methodological principles of Academic Literacies and ethnography of language. In this research, supervisors are considered privileged literacy brokers. The data show the nature of the power relations in the interactions between doctoral students and their supervisors, in addition to the incompatibility between the expectations created by the participants and the reality of the relationship between students and supervisors. This article, therefore, points to the need to implement institutional policies that promote training for supervisors based on the Academic Literacies perspective.


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How to Cite

Paris, L. G. . (2022). O orientador como mediador de letramento privilegiado no processo de escrita da tese de doutorandos: The supervisor as a privileged literacy broker in the doctoral thesis writing process. Revista Do GEL, 19(1), 246–264. https://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v19i1.3360