Está/tá in the popular speech of Salvador

phonetic reduction, variation and grammaticalization



Usos de está/tá, Phonetic reduction, Linguistic variation, Grammaticalization


The aim of this article is to analyze, in popular Soteropolitan speech, the use of the verb estar in the present tense, in its full (está) and reduced () phonological forms, from the perspectives of linguistic variation and change by grammaticalization. The theoretical approach follows assumptions of North American functionalism, in line with the classical approach to grammaticalization (HOPPER, 1991; HOPPER; TRAUGOTT, 2003 [1993] etc.). From a methodological point of view, the research has a qualitative and quantitative character and adopts sociofunctionalist procedures; as a corpus, it uses empirical data extracted from interviews from the database of the Popular Portuguese Studies Program in Salvador (PEPP). The results of the analysis attest that: (i) the forms está/ have, in popular Soteropolitan speech, different functions, which can be allocated in a continuum of grammaticalization: verb (full > linking verb > auxiliary verb) > adverb of affirmation/concordance > discursive marker; (ii) there is variation between está and as full, linking and auxiliary verbs; (iii) in relation to uses such as adverb of affirmation/agreement and discursive marker (more grammaticalized uses), there is no variation between está and , but rather a specialization (HOPPER, 1991) of in the performance of these functions.


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How to Cite

Silva, V. M. da, & Carvalho, C. dos S. . (2023). Está/tá in the popular speech of Salvador: phonetic reduction, variation and grammaticalization. Revista Do GEL, 19(3), 272–296. Retrieved from



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